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About the Inertia Wave - Science & Data for Fitness

19 Oct 2017

Medium (M)  to High-intensity interval training with the Inertia Wave. Can reduce abdominal fat mass, increases core strength and enhance entire muscular system while taping into all energy systems.

This study compared the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT)  Tabata, and moderate-intensity short bout  training (MIT) for 4 weeks on whole-body energy systems, and abdominal fat mass (FM) in Female & Male subjects between the ages of 21 and 65.


25 women and 25 men (22-65; 1 years; BMI: 31-1kg.m-2) were randomly assigned to either a HIIT Battling ropes (12 Mins at 2 Mins bouts 77-80% HRmax, 60 seconds of active recovery)] or MIT (Medium to high intensity training) (12 min at 1-3 Min bouts 60-75% of their individual HRR) using the Inertia Wave program for 8 weeks, 4 days/week. Infa-red, and hydrosatic tanks were used to measure whole-body and regional Fat Mass (FM) content, including abdominal adipose and visceral adipose tissue. Levels of nutritional intake were the same, no added, or decreased calories throughout the 4- weeks.


Overall, total Fat Mass (FM) decreased and total fat-free mass (M) Muscle significantly increased with the Inertia Wave group over the 4-weeks (by around 3-4%). Total (FM) reduction at the end of the intervention was significantly different between the Battling rope group VS. the Inertia Wave group. However, significant loss of total abdominal fat (-8.3 - 2.2%) and visceral  (-24.2 - 7.7%) FM was observed only with Inertia Wave. Subjects felt less stress and strain on their shoulder and elbow joints. Subjects expresses more euphoric feeling with the IW. (Inertia Wave)


With no concomitant caloric restriction, an (MIT) Medium to high Intensity Inertia Wave.  program in women and men between 22-65 (4 x a week for 4 weeks) appeared to be more effective for reducing central obesity (FM) fat mass  than HITT, battling ropes, Tabata, and could be proposed as an alternative exercise training program for this population.

More science behind the Inertia Wave

The force (F) of the user creating momentum (M) needed to oscillate a spring like motion over the distance of 9 feet five inch tubes are proportional to that distance. Like a bowman pulling back on the center of the string of the bow. That is: where there is a constant factor characteristic of the spring like crest, and trough along the wavelength.

The physics behind the Inertia Wave in all methods of use are where an elastic body is only slightly stretched inches (unlike fitness tubing and elastic resistance bands) they are held at one constant elongation.  An elastic body or material for which this equation can be assumed is said to be an extension of an individual's extremity. (The tubes act like extensions off the core)

The Inertia Wave is the real response of rubber-like- high protein tubes creating resistance profiles that react with intersegmental core stabilizers. These core stabilizing mechanisms / reactions are a byproduct to external applied forces from the user. The forces entering the body must eventually fail. Once the internal forces exceed some exertion limit, (since no determination on one's physical capabilities can be confirmed beyond a certain rate of exertion) or stretched beyond a maximum oxygen intake, there wil be some permanent loss of control or change of state.  (user defined perceived rate of exertion-althletic inclinations) Please use Borg Scale for precieved exertion rate. 

Many materials such as ropes, and other elastomeres will noticeably deviate from the specificity, functionality, or characteristics of the Inertia Wave. The precise length outside diameter, inside wall thickness, and water protein ratio is directly proportional to it functionality. (7-Methods of Use)

On the other hand. It is also the fundamental principle behind the spring like, oscillated momentum, and the balance capabilities of the user to determine the proper force (F) and momentum (M) to originate in and dissipate out of the kinetic chain. The cognitive stress is a benefit to adaptation, and propioceptive resultants.

The facts statistically speaking confirms that the up and down, crest and trough momentum created by the  user of this particular tube set- 24 -38 inches apart,  3.5 feet (belly button high)  off the ground attached to an anchor point is proportional, as well as determines  the action, reaction, coil, recoil, spring-like momentum applied to it.

The Inertia Wave makes it possible to deduce the relation between strain and stress, function and non-function for other objects trying to mimic the Inertia Wave. Products such as battling ropes, and rubber like tubes outside of the specific specifications of the Inertia WaveTM. For example one can deduce other tubes, ropes, strings, cords trying to mimic in terms of the way Inertia Wave functions.  Hence intrinsic properties, oscillation, momentum, force vectors, and intrinsic response inter-segmentally is diminished with other objects mentioned here.

Other tubes, behave like a simple resistance bands that are stretched fully to almost a elastic to plastic property to create resistance in a muscular region. A rope of any diameter has no ability to act as a spring-like, oscillating force based on heaviness, and deregulating the intrinsic values of core and the byproduct of inter-segmental stiffening. (Core integrity) Battling ropes are more anaerobic, and increase internal stress, decrease oxygen consumption, as they close capillary beds.  Battling Ropes are predominantly anaerobic (without oxygen) they mainly engage the global musculature (Muscles that expand over a said number of joints to create movement-Global) when the ropes are lifted and forced with the upper body to a wave-like heavy motion. Ropes although may be used in a wave pattern have a stiffness directly proportional to its cross-section area and inversely proportional to its length. Unlike the Inertia Wave battling ropes dwindle, and reduce the continuous momentum / force created in the crest, and trough of the tubes. (On a transverse plane) The IW is predominantly High Intensity as it opens capillary beds receiving more liters of oxygen (Aerobic) vs Heavy Battle ropes closing capillary beds calling upon and engaging the outer superficial musculature. (Global) Far more liters of oxygen are present in subject with IW vs. Battle ropes. (Equated to more caloric-burn-after-burn-EPOC)

During the use of the Inertia Wave there is a constant. A steady motion that requires a steady force by the user. The end user applies a motive force needed to keep the Inertia Wave moving in order to balance frictional, and oscillating opposing  forces. Those reactive opposing forces enter the end user's entire musculo-skeletal system. You can equate this to an electrical charge surging throughout the system. (Anatomical Conduction)

Puchase your Inertia Wave today!

During the Inertia Wave in motion, transverse, sagittal, circular waves travel from mid crest to trough. The forces acting on a body are unbalanced (A resultant force ). The body changes its velocity, in the direction of the force, at a rate proportional to the force and inversely proportional to its mass. The body tries to compensate as outer and inner muscles activate to stabilize.  The rate of change of velocity is acceleration of the tubes, and forces are transmuted / applied to the entire body.

So if the mentioned above were in an upwardly accelerated lift, as a byproduct of the user controlled Inertia Wave - an outside observer would see that the two tubes acting transversely, sagittally, and circularly  with momentum, as osculated waves from the crest to midline, to the trough back to midline were spring-like and weightless in the user's hands. The resultant force would be sufficient to give the user the same upward and downward challenge as the tubes accelerate.  The user must stabilize (stiffen) in that same athletic posture (Ready Position) to help dissipate the momentum like force waves that are rising and falling.

The Inertia Wave requires a full body spring like movement patterns. Other 7- Methods of use patterns mimic circular movement patterns, zigzag, transverse momentum like patterns to create opposing force along its entire length. Inertia Wave must move at constant speed, dictated by the user, and it does require a force at right angles to its motion (gravitational attraction) to constantly change direction as an optional pattern (7-Methods of use described within this application)

The Inertia Wave interactions involve pairs of forces. The pairs coming from and defined as (2) two tubes with an anchor point. During the action of the transverse wave (Dictated with a predictable outcome by the user) mid crest to midline, midline to trough, and back again there is a constant action and reaction.

In this example below the interaction of the (2) two separate tubes (A pair) the forces are:

  • The momentum and continuous wave-patterns (Inertia Wave) of the tubes (crest-trough momentum) are gravitational forces.
  • Conclusive studies have determined a safer way to burn more calories
  • Less liability for fitness, and boot-camp owners where many people are in one specific environment. Exercises Clearance space
  • LIFE SAFETY CODE-NFPA 101 Occupancy safety guidelines.
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