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Home fitness Equipment, TOP RATED Inertia Wave® STRONG

14 Aug 2021

PLEASE after you read this informative user’s manual go to and watch the exercise recommendations, and exercises for the Inertia Wave STRONG in our VIDEO section top toolbar. 

The Inertia Wave ® S T R O N G gives you the option, (by connecting the handgrips, or belts included) to integrate targeted muscle regions through a perfect resistance & strength profile. You get to train your glutes, and core like never before…strengthen, or rehab your legs, chisel your chest, shred your shoulders, benefit your posture as you build your back, and get strong biceps & triceps.  PLEASE WATCH TUTORIAL VIDEOS, found on, these same videos came to your inbox seconds after you purchase (please check your spam just in case) from  

The Inertia Wave STRONG is a versatile, portable, and very convenient tool that is perfect for home use, garage gyms, group exercise, personal training, online training, and an amazing travel companion. The resistance level of Inertia Wave ® S T R O N G also makes this tool ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Heavy-duty, high-quality PATENTED elastomer tubing, with enhanced physical properties, ozone perfection, resists tears and abrasions. (In normal environments) Also includes a downloadable exercise video link. Take the Inertia Wave S T R O N G with you wherever you go for a great full-body workout.

 The Original Inertia Wave STRONG ® Features:

  • Total-body strength, core, and cardio conditioning
  • +Targets Major muscle groups, with dynamic resistance load
  • Works an ALL-IN-ONE resistance level, for specific regions of the body.
  • Includes a downloadable video tutorial.
  •  Available in 1 color 
Name Weight Equivalents Size Color
 IW STRONG      None. Oscillation Waves or VARIABLE RESISTANCE, specific to the user, “Remember the user pumps energy into tubes.   9.5 “ft” + Rail Strap 17.5”




Prior to ALL strength training exercises please, open the loop and attach a carabiner to the “loop “securely, making sure the carabiner latch is closed. Whether using the belts or handgrips, always check to make sure the carabiner is closed!

WARNING  NEVER perform the oscillating Inertia Wave ®methods with the handgrip attached! (We give you more time to rest, and catch your breath, as you attach, and detach the handgrips and belts.


Never use the Inertia Wave ® SOLO or STRONG as the Inertia Wave ® DUO

 To avoid a lawsuit, and put someone in potential danger, is not worth losing your business, or harming another. (Purchase the DUO)

 IWS = Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G

 Part one: The Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G.

S.T.R.O.N.G is an acronym for Start to Realize Our Natural Greatness

Why did we use the PHOENIX as our logo?

Simple answer: STRENGTH & RENEWAL

Let us share the story of the PHOENIX. According to ancient legend, the phoenix often serves as a symbol of renewal and rebirth. Like a Phoenix known for rising from its ashes, you get to rise from a state of weakness to a state of strength! As both a fire and solar symbol, the Phoenix is symbolic of the sun, which “dies” in setting each night, only to be reborn in rising the next morning. The Inertia Wave ® Phoenix is power, transformation, rebirth, and life. The Phoenix spirit is also widely regarded as a prominent symbol of coherence, longevity, imagination, and protection. The Phoenix represents the idea that there is NO END, only a beginning. So, being that said, you build on the foundation you set from the previous workout, and so on…

The Romans went ahead to include the image of the Phoenix on their coins, as a sign of the invincibility of their empire.

Many cultures look at the Phoenix as a STRONG and courageous warrior. The phoenix spirit helps you to appreciate the positives in your life. You learn to appreciate every small victory that you achieve. You will appreciate the hard work you put into getting fit and have confidence, and strength like a WARRIOR! The Phoenix is the ultimate symbol of strength and renewal.

When you become Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G you start to appreciate your abilities. The Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G. is the perfect balance of metabolic, strength, & core training, working synergistically to create a complete, balanced workout.

If you are familiar with the Inertia Wave ® SOLO & Inertia Wave ® DUO you know it can manipulate matter and energy, as you fight against the Inertia. As you already know, when we strength train you create little tears in the muscle that repair & renew, as you get stronger. 

The Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G. does the same thing, ONLY SO MUCH MORE!

When you use the Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G, you continue to build strength, balance, and a strong cardiovascular system, a renewed sense of assurance and confidence.

YOU are a symbol of resilience; YOU are that one person who can bring yourself from the brink of no motivation, back to the rebirth of a healthy life. This is another reason why we choose to use the Phoenix bird…it stands for the balance you need to excel in your life.

Therefore, we used the PHEONIX as our logo.

The Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G …. revolutionary, life-changing, like a Phoenix rising…

Part Two:

You now get to have a TOTAL BODY strength workout, as you supercharge your cardiovascular system & core with all the benefits of the Inertia Wave SOLO ® If you are like most, we don’t want to spend 30-45 minutes doing cardio! BORING! Now you no longer need to spend wasted time at a gym, or walking on a treadmill, using an elliptical, or use any cardio machines! (Unless you like that?) Save time, and get faster results with the combination of wavelength oscillations, and the strength components of the Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G.  


Here is what is in your kit? When you received your Inertia Wave ®STRONG it’s in a clear see-through package are the following:

Two Inertia Wave ®STRONG tubes with military-grade “green noose” (When strength training-SPREAD noose slightly, and clip carabiner of the handle to the noose)

Two double-stitched military-grade black padded belts, with 0-rings on each end

Two black easy on & off strong & solid hand grips, with attached (permanent) carabiners.

Two additional carabiners, and a FREE travel bag!

Let us continue:

Here’s what we want you to do prior to any strength training move or exercise.

1-Watch the “How to anchor video” for the Inertia Wave ® SOLO (The Inertia Wave STRONG is anchored the same way)

2- Learn and practice the “Beginner Methods” of the Inertia Wave ® SOLO or “Advanced Methods of Use” with your Inertia Wave ® SOLO (or possibly you already own the SOLO…GREAT!) ALL VIDEOS found on home pager under video library @

 Question: Can you do 30-40 seconds of one method with perfect tension, with the Inertia Wave STRONG anchored 24-36 inches apart, 36-40 inches off the ground? Do you have a strong stable body posture? DO YOU HEAR A WIND SOUND EVERY TIME YOU PERFORM A METHOD? Do you have your feet NO WIDER than 12 inches?  If not that’s why you need to practice and watch our educational videos.  

3- Are you anchoring it 24-36 inches apart, 36-40 inches from the ground as shown in all the Inertia Wave ® ANCHOR videos and slide show anchor videos? on Great! Yea, we had to repeat that!

4- Now try to transition from one method to the other i.e.: The Inertia Wave ® method, to the Tidal Wave method, seamlessly, slow down, and try the CROSSFIRE method. Choose one or more methods, perform them until your body says …Slow down, I am winded, I am lightheaded, YOU MUST AT ALL TIMES BE AWARE OF YOUR “PERCEIVED RATE OF EXERTION” We get asked all the time “How long should I perform one, or all of the “methods of Use”? An impossible question to answer. Why?

It’s like saying how long am I supposed to jump rope? Or sprint, or run? Understand, the correct answer is based on YOUR perceived rate of exertion. How winded are you? Use a scale from 1-10, if you’re a 4-5-6 you need to step it up! more tension & intensity…if you’re a 9 or 10 you need to slow it down. If you are an 8 that is great! Stay there, or at least work up to it.

HOWEVER! Ask yourself this.

1- “Do I hear a WIND sound as I am performing the Inertia Wave ®?

2- Am I walking back to create the level of tension…as if it feels like it is pulling me to the balls of my feet? (That is a good thing)

The above questions are a few of the essential prerequisites to get the optimal potential and results from your Inertia Wave ® products.

TIPS: If you are super winded do 15-second intervals. Build up your endurance over time.

FACT:  All the Inertia Waves ® have over 18 paths or directions it can oscillate.  It’s difficult for your body a.k.a. “system” to get accustomed and adapt. You consistently pumping energy into the tubes, fighting against the disruption of the oscillating tubes. Unlike a bicep curl with 25lbs, your body can, and will adapt hence you always have to increase weight. The Inertia Wave ® WILL ALWAYS CHALLENGE YOU! You can NEVER adapt! (That is a good thing in the human body) ALWAYS A CHALLENGE! With challenge comes change!

REMEMBER THIS: The Inertia Wave ® STRONG- can also be an “ACTIVE REST”

What is an ACTIVE REST?  

Answer: (Inertia Wave ® Methods in between the strength exercises.

The “ACTIVE REST” is the actual strength exercises YOU choose to do in between the “oscillating methods” with the tubes. You have the option to do as many sets as possible, and reps until you catch your breath…then go right back to the method of choice with the Inertia Wave ® system GO ALL OUT! Hear the wind sound.


 For the following exercises, you will need to PLEASE ATTACH HAND GRIPS

All STRONG exercises are a minimum of 4 sets 10-15 repetitions.


 (aka methods).

 IWS Row METHOD (With attached hand grips)

 Stand facing the Inertia Wave anchor point in an athletic position. Your back should be flat in a strong athletic posture with your knees slightly bent and hips slightly back. Your stance is strong to withstand the force of the resistance, in a slightly hipped flexed position. Maintain this strong and stable position throughout the repetitions. CHOOSE your distance, this will determine the resistance profile (intensity) 

 With the Inertia Wave tubes straight (No laxity) and one hand grip in each hand, start with your arms straight out in front of your body. Begin the exercise by first maintaining a light relaxed grip, strong enough to keep the bands in hand, but not so that you feel your hands and forearms working. 

 Start the row by keeping your arms straight, palms facing each other.  Now SLOWLY drawback your shoulder blades, (retracting your blades first), think about DRIVING your elbows down & back. HOWEVER, always keep your wrist in line with your elbow. (Do not arch your back, where you start, is where you stay) your hands stopping just in front of your ribs to complete the full range of motion. (NOW HOLD 2, 3, 4) Slowly return to the fully extended arm position to begin the next rep.

 · Complete 3 -4 sets 12-15 reps, depending upon the resistance level.

 These standing rows are a fantastic and functional alternative to seated positions. They not only develop the postural muscles of the middle back while simultaneously challenging the core, and lower body to maintain balance! 

 IWS CHEST PRESS METHOD (With attached hand grips)

 Position With one tube only…hold handgrip, as your facing 3 o’clock, as the tube is coming from 12 o’clock. (The side of your right shoulder is facing the black rail straps) With two hands, extend your arms out fully and hold the tension. Now bring your arms to 2 o’clock, turn your body to match the line the arms are going. Place left leg back to stabilize. Left leg back, right leg forward, butt back SLIGHTLY, as you look straight ahead. I want you to mimic a chest press with both hands, although you only have one hand grip and one tube.  

 Movement Slowly resist the load as you stay in that horizontal path. Take your arm to a perfect 90-degree angle, as you resist the load. (Act as if you’re standing against a brick wall, your elbow can’t pass your back. At the end, range perfect bend in the elbow, have both hands press together and meet in the middle. Have hands touch at the midline. (Directly in front of you, arms locked, and fully extended) You are doing a chest press. AGAIN, we are pretending to have a tube and handgrip in each hand. This gives us the optimal verbal, and tactile profile to get the optimal results.

 Purpose Its horizontal shoulder adduction. As the two hands, or fists press towards the midline, we get to contract the pec muscles in a “perfect path.” This will hypertrophy (build) muscle in the entire pectoralis major, as well as increase core strength, hence the standing position. A great chest exercise, with the benefits of stability.

 IWS Straight Arm Triceps & Upper Posterior Shoulder Girdle Muscles METHOD

 Positioning:  Open the loop coming out of the end caps of the Inertia Wave ® STRONG. Open carabiner and attach your hand grips to the “loop” of the end caps. Holding a strong and stable athletic posture, Stand facing the anchor point with one hand grip in each hand, palms down with your arms SOFT LOCKED 6- inches out from your hips. Maintain enough distance from the anchor point to allow for minimal resistance at the start of the exercise and slightly more light resistance at full range of the exercise. Figure out how far back to stand, so you can extend your arms straight PAST your hips at least 6 inches.

 Movement: Pull back on the bands while holding the handgrips. During the extension, while the arms are extending… start to retract / drawback your shoulder blades, remember to STOP 6 inches behind your hips.  Hold the retracted position for 2-3 seconds per rep before moving the hands slightly out in front of the hips again… (starting position)

Repeat 10 reps at a slow tempo and focus on rhomboid, (between shoulder blades) posterior deltoid, (back of shoulders) triceps (back of arms), and Latissimus (Lats) engagement with every rep.

 Purpose:  This is a great exercise for creating a balance between the large prime mover muscle of the upper posterior chain (upper back) muscles and their synergies and stabilizers. (Small muscle surrounding that stabilizes the structure) It is a top-tier postural exercise, as it also trains the triceps “directly” as the arm extends the shoulder joint.

 IWS Bicep Curls METHOD (With attached hand grips)

Position:  Standing in an athletic posture-slight bend in ankle, knees, and hips…hold handgrips palms up. Lift your elbows high enough that your hands are at the level of the bottom of your chin.

 Movement SLOWLY & RYTHMICALLY start to curl (flex the elbow) counting 3 seconds to complete the curl, as you contract the bicep. Continue to curl ¾ of the way up. Stop and hold the contraction for a count of 3 seconds. Start to lower the resistance with a count of 3 seconds. DON’T LET YOUR ELBOWS DROP! Try to complete 10-12 repetitions. You can do multiple sets if you’re trying to catch your breath from the Inertia Wave ® S.T.R.O.N.G.  You can perform these lateral or bilateral (single-arm, or both arms) There is no right or wrong, it’s all about time and preference.

 Advanced: Curl both arms up ¾ and hold 2,3,4, NOW slowly let one hand go back to the starting point, curl the same (arm) side back to finish position, and hold. NOW let down the opposite, (hand) curl the same one back up. So…as one is ALWAYS holding tension near your face & chin, the other slowly resists. Follow that pattern, do as many as possible!  

 IWS Rear Deltoid AKA Posterior shoulder girdle muscles METHOD (With attached hand grips)

 Position: Holding the handgrips palm down, pull back the tubes as you bend your elbow as if your arms are on a shelf. Your elbows are at a perfect 90-degree angle, as your wrist is in the same line as your elbow. As your set, this position DO NOT have your first move towards your shoulder joint as you pull back. Look at your arms now…can water run down from the shoulder to the hand? Yes? PERFECT! (So, make sure the elbow is slightly lower) & relax your shoulders, do not let them elevate.

 Movement: As with any strength exercise, find your level of tension to perform 10-12 repetitions. Draw back your elbows, READY FOR THIS? Do not pull with your hands…WHAT? Yes please act as if your hands are going along for the ride. As you draw your elbows back, think of your elbows & shoulder blades coming together, as your hand (gripping device) goes along for the ride.  STOP! HOLD!  Feel the contraction and then SLOWLY release 3/4 to the starting position. ALWAYS keep tension on the tubes, do not go back to the starting position all the way if you lose the tension. HOLD THE TENSION during the entire exercise.

 Purpose: Elongation of the chest musculature. Hypertrophy (Muscle building) of upper shoulder girdle region. Total engagement of the posterior shoulder girdle muscles. Enhances muscular balance, as it assists in correcting your posture. You are benefiting when you train muscles you do not see in the mirror! 

 Standing Triceps & Core  METHOD (With attached hand grips)

 Position With attached handgrips and with your feet staggered, or in a parallel stance 12-15 inches apart. Stand with your back facing towards black rail straps “anchor points” Your arms 2 to 3 inches away from your sides, your elbow in 90 degrees of elbow flexion (a perfect right angle)

Movement Straighten your arms out against the resistance. Hold STRONG! Feel the tension? Can you step a bit forward and still maintain a solid base? This will determine your current resistance starting point. It should be difficult at the “end range” a.k.a. finish position. Once you find your resistance profile, SLOWLY COUNT 1,2,3, as you resist the load coming back, moreover as you control the load to the perfect right angle. PAUSE, 1,2,3, now 3 seconds to completely straighten your arms out away from the body. REPEAT this sequence, 1,2,3, STOP, 1,2,3, HOLD. During the reps NEVER let your elbows go past your sides/hips.  

Perform 4 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Purpose Three-quarters of your upper arm is the triceps! What does that tell you? An EXTREMELY important group of muscles! By performing this move you will tighten and strengthen the long, lateral, and medial heads of the triceps, as you activate your ability to maintain your center of mass in a three-dimensional environment.  

 IWS loaded ABS-Core- Oblique METHOD (One tube recommended) (With attached hand grip)

 Position:  Stand facing perpendicular to the band anchor point. For clarity, if the anchor point is North, face east or west with one-hand grip in your hands. Hold the handgrip with both hands clasped over one another and held at the middle of your chest. (sternum) elbows 6-8 inches away from your sides.  Stand at a distance from the anchor point that begins with minimal resistance at the start of the exercise. 

Movement:  Begin by maintaining the arms extended out 12 inches away from the center sternum in a fixed position.  Maintaining center of gravity, and athletic strong posture…hold the resistance for a count of 5 seconds. At the count of five “switch the picture” as you athletically, gracefully, turn a full ½ turn to engage the other side. Picture this…as you turn, its fast, the hands NEVER MOVE…It is like you just changed the lower body positioning.  

 The difficulty will also increase as you begin to extend your arms outward, further away from the torso. Engage (stay tight) in your abs and obliques throughout the exercise. Think of midway away from your body is 5, fully extended (ever so slight bend in the elbow) is a 10. What can you do?

 Purpose:  This exercise challenges the muscles of the arms, chest, shoulders, and back to stabilize while the prime movers of the torso absorb “static energy resistance” Thus effectively stabilizing the spine throughout this “static energy resistance”. By strengthening the torso musculature in this fashion, you enable the body to become more resilient and pliable during functional and athletic rotational movements. (Anti-rotation) These might include a tennis forehand, backhand, or golf swing, reaching across the body to grab an object off a high shelf or on the floor. This also helps you generate more rotational powerful and efficient rotation as you develop more stability, leg power, and skill in these activities. 

 Let's continue with the lower extremity 

 IWS Reverse Lunge

Position:  In your kit you will find 2- extra carabiners. Facing away from the black rail straps (anchor points) take one of the double-stitched military-grade black padded belts, with 0-rings on each end, put around the front of your waist, like a belt, and attach a carabiner to each O-ring. Walk forward, lean forward slightly (so you are not pulled backward) to put resistance on the tubes. You will find your resistance once you start the exercise.

Movement:  With feet together slowly step back into a lunge, tap your toe gently (as if it were a kickstand helping you stabilize. Start to decelerate with the front leg (Bend the knee) to a level of comfort, never lower than the upper thigh parallel to the ground. Come out of this step back lunge by accelerating, standing upright to the starting position. As you step forward to the starting position add a toe tap to help you maintain your center of mass. (stability)

Perform 4 sets of 10 on each side.

Purpose The IWS reverse lunge is one of the most direct glute exercises that we know of today.

The resistance curve with the IWS matches the strength curve of the glutes. Plus, the opposing force fact: The IWS load lines are in direct opposition of the firing pattern of the hip thrust. We get regional tension throughout the entire range. Remember its extension without hyperextension.


Position: In your kit you will find 2- extra carabiners. Facing away from the black rail straps (anchor points) take one of the double-stitched military-grade black padded belts, with 0-rings on each end, put around the front of your waist, like a belt, and attach a carabiner to each O-ring.

Movement: Walk forward, lean forward slightly (so you are not pulled backward) to put resistance on the tubes. You will find your resistance level once you start the exercise. Standing with feet 10-12 inches apart, no wider, no closer, or you will activate regions of the lower extremity that are not part of the goal. We want the glutes! SLOWLY begin to decelerate, (start the squat)  butt back, chest up, looking straight ahead… with elbows back, hands on side of chest (Do not throw your arms out) start to squat only 8-12 inches, STOP, SLOWLY accelerate (stand) at the top of the squat gently thrust your hips and squeeze your glutes without arching your back. Hold the squeeze for a count of 3.

TIP: Pausing for a moment at the top of the hip thrust, holding the tension increases time under tension (TUT) and ensures proper tempo and control throughout the movement.


Purpose: The hip thrust is likely the most rapidly rising exercise in terms of popularity in strength & conditioning. It is performed by physique athletes, strength athletes, fitness enthusiasts and sport athletes alike. Full hip extension is where the glutes achieve their highest level of activation. Failing to reach this range of motion will lead to diminished tension on the glutes.


Position Wrap the double-stitched military-grade black padded belt, with O-rings on each end

around the belly of your calve muscle. Hook the carabiner to the O-rings of the belt.

Stand perpendicular to the anchor point of the IWS black rail strap. Now you are in perfect opposition of the resistance.

Movement Keeping your leg straight, and slightly off the ground…SLOWLY start to sweep your leg towards the planted stable foot. Maintain your balance by moving slow and feeling every inch of the movement. As you reach the other foot, lock & hold the load, against the inside of the stabile foot, and hold for 3 seconds. Now return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 12-15 before switching to the opposite leg.   

 Purpose Helps to improve the strengthen and tighten all the 5 muscles on the inside of your thigh called the adductor group. Also improves stability and balance. Did you know that the adductor group are positioners? Simply means, as you walk the adductors contract and place one leg in Infront of the other. Without this group of muscles, you would walk into a split! Lol 


Position Wrap the double-stitched military-grade black padded belt, with O-rings on each end

around the belly of your calve muscle. Hook the carabiner to the O-rings of the belt.

Stand perpendicular to the anchor point of the IWS black rail strap. Now you are in perfect opposition of the resistance.

Movement Keeping your leg straight, and slightly off the ground…pull your toes up…now SLOWLY start to open your leg away from the planted stable foot, and lead with your heel. Maintain your balance by moving slow and feeling every inch of the movement. Open the leg out just to the point as you feel your starting to sway or lose balance. Now return to the starting position. Perform 3 sets of 12-15 before switching to the opposite leg.   

Purpose The primary reason is the strengthen the gluteus maximusgluteus mediusgluteus minimus, and tensor fascia lata. When one or more of these muscles is weak, your core stability will suffer, and your pelvis may tilt to one side when standing on one foot. This will affect your ability to walk, run, step up, or lunge. Strong abductor muscles improve functional fitness and prepare your body to perform well in any situation. Helps to improve the strength and thigh on the inside of your thigh called the adductor group. Also improves stability and balance.


 Fact: Superior contraction than a leg extension machine without the distal loading.

The benefits of a free-standing squat!

 Positioning:  Stand facing the band anchor point. Attach both band/s to your legs directly behind the bend of each knee. Position yourself with enough distance from the anchor point to create light to medium resistance through the bending and extending (straightening) of the Legs / knee.

 Movement:  Now that both straps are wrapped and attached…get into that squat stance. Let us begin the exercise slowly decelerating (squat) ½ way down keep your athletic posture strong and stable. As you maintain that perfect squat position as you decelerate (go down into the squat) start to stand. As your ¾ to a full standing position GENTLY pull the resistance as you drive your knees back…. PLEASE do this slowly and rhythmically while you stand to end range. The band should increase resistance as you stand and complete the rep. Slowly squat back down and repeat this 10-12 times. Perform 4-6 sets 12-15 repetitions.

 Tip: Think as if you’re pulling back the bands as you stand…SO you’re standing because you are pulling back, which in turn will straighten your legs, and assist in the stand.

 Advance: To progress remain in the fully standing athletic position and wrap only one strap, around one knee. While remaining solid and stable, do the same squat, as you maintain your center of gravity. As you stand or accelerate back to the standing position (strong & stable) gently pull the knee back as you stand. You will feel the contraction and tightening of the quad.  Complete 12-15 reps on each leg. Advanced please perform 6 sets.

 Purpose: IWS SQUAT KNEE EXTENSION COMBO is helpful for restoring knee extension and mobility as well as functionally developing the vastus medialis obliquus muscle (AKA the VMO or teardrop muscle on the quad). Applying the double-stitched military-grade black padded belt, with O-rings on each end to the back of the knee, the quad is forced to engage when the knee fully extends (straightens) as in the same manner when you walk forward. This trains the quads, and the muscles close to the knee called the VMO (called “the teardrop muscle”) to engage and stabilize normally again while encouraging strength, and joint integrity.



Attach the double-stitched military-grade black padded belt, with O-rings on each end to the back of the knees, or around the ankles. Stand facing the band anchor point. Attach both band/s to your legs directly behind the bend of each knee, or more advanced around the ankles.  Position yourself with enough distance from the anchor point to create a medium to heavy resistance by extending the leg back. The leg in motion must stay as straight as possible.

 Movement Maintaining a strong athletic and stable posture, look over the horizon, and slowly start to shift your weight to one side. As the weight shifts, slowly start to EXTEND one leg back keeping it stiff as possible. You will only be able to extend it back 2 feet or so… DO NOT FLEX FORWARD, (bend over from the hip) it will shut off your glutes, and hamstrings. Always remain tall, and nothing moves but the leg extending back. Once you weight shift and extend…hold that glute and hamstring contraction for a count of 5. Perform as always 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

 Purpose The glute muscles have a huge impact on your overall body strength; they help strengthen your core and help to support a range of compound movements and exercises. Strong glute muscles also prevent muscle imbalances that can lead to mobility issues. Oh, and a peach booty is necessary to fit into most dresses! Lol

The hamstrings play a key role in stabilizing the knee joint, as well as maintaining hip and torso positioning. Without sufficient hamstring development, which often comes alongside overdeveloped quadriceps, injury risk to the knee joint as well as the hamstrings themselves is greatly increased.



IWS Seated or kneeling Pallof Press

 Turn to the side, so the anchor points are on your right or left.

Single tube or both tubes. (Learn with one tube) advance if you find it too easy.

 Position Holding the IWS handles as seen in the video tutorials, stand tall, look over the horizon, feet less than 12 inches apart. Draw in and tighten and engage your core. Ie: ACT AS IF someone is tapping you in the abdomen area. Tighten your abs WITHOUT dropping your ribcage. Side Note: You can also do this kneeling, or sitting on a chair, or stability ball.

 Movement Start to extend the handles out with both hands so your arms are extended in front of your chest. (NEVER LOWER THAN YOUR NIPPLE LINE) Hold this position, resisting the pull of the cable and not letting your torso rotate towards the machine, for five to ten seconds then bring the handle back in to your chest. Bringing the hands back to the chest is nothing more than a rest. (Light switch ON- & OFF)

 Purpose The pallof press is an anti-rotation exercise designed to work the muscles that influence trunk rotation. Specifically, the pallof press works local and global muscles (Inner & outer) in an effort to limit any rotation of the spine. Most people think of the core as your six-pack, it's NOT! but, the deep core stabilizers that are essential to having healthy, optimal, movement, are being strengthened during the IWS Seated or Standing Pallof Press. The pallof press is a staple core and back strengthening exercise that you’ll find in many different settings. Whether it’s Rehab, personal training sessions, group exercise classes, you name it, the pallof press is a common exercise for good reason.


IWS Four Point Kick-Back

   You will need one of the “KNEE / ANKLE   STRAPS

 First, let us learn the positioning.

 Position Kneel on all fours on a mat, or smooth surface. Place your hands directly underneath your shoulder with your knees beneath your hips. Lengthen your arms but avoid locking your elbows. Keep your abdominal muscles contracted. As you exhale tilt your pelvis backward, allowing your lower back to round. As you inhale lengthen your spins and tilt your pelvis forward, allowing your back to arch slightly. Why? We are trying to find your neutral. Somewhere between drive and reverse. (Does that make sense?) Once you feel you can find the position where (a plate of water in on your back and will not spill side to side) that’s the STRONG position we are looking for…NOW you’re ready for the IWS Four Point Kick-Back

 Movement: Single leg, single tube with the strap around your midfoot

 1.     Get into all fours, with a straight spine, and stay tight and contracted (remember someone is tapping you in the belly the entire time)

2.     Extend your right leg back and up until your thigh is parallel with the ground. ...

3.     Contract your glute at the top of the move and hold for a beat of 2- seconds

4.     Return to your starting position without touching your knee to the ground and repeat.

 Purpose: The primary muscles that work in any horse stance are the quadriceps. Gluteus Maximus comes second. Deep muscles under the glutes will fire, as deep stabilizers of the core and abdomen engage.


 We know you are going to create your own movements and exercises. We want you to use your education and imagination! BE STRONG! Inertia Wave ® STRONG!!



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