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HIIT - Metabolic Conditioning

06 Jan 2018

HIIT with Inertia Wave Metabolic Conditioning

What does this mean? High-Intensity Interval Training. The premise is simple: Combining super charged high intensity aerobic bouts, (1-minute) with lower intensity bouts. Conclusive large clinical studies have consistently shown that HITT training helps to stimulate the sympathetic nervous system to utilize FAT as a substrate (fuel) compared to steady-state exercise. Moreover you / your clients will benefit tremendous results in less than half the time VS. steady state exercise.

Elevated growth hormone and noradrenaline levels 2-hormones help break down stores of fat and increase their use as a fuel source. But wait, there’s MORE!!! HIIT not only optimizes fat burning during the exercise session, it keeps you or your client’s metabolism elevated long after the 12 minutes session. This is due to (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption EPOC) or what I call the afterburn. The increased hormones are elevated along with a Super -Charged metabolism. Simply put: there is a significant caloric burn or thermic effect for the body to return the body to its resting temperature state.

These processes replenishing depleted energy reserves, repair cell damage, clear metabolic byproducts and enhance tissue growth. Here’s the cool factor: The net after burn effect lasts if 24-36 hours after you finish the exercise, burning more than 150 calories a day beyond a waking state (resting)

The Wave Factor: When using the Inertia Wave, you need to work out intensely to maximize EPOC. As hard as you can (under control) performing every Method of the 7 in total. It’s a fantastic metabolic conditioning device.
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